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Novamed Compression Stockings Pressureclass 2 – Open Toe + Free Put On Aid! (per pair)

Pressureclass 2 (23-32 mmHg)! For long-term daily use! Suitable for both men and women! The Novamed Compression Stockings came out as best in our test of no less than 25 brands! The best solution for moderate varicose veins / edema or thrombosis. Temporary 34% discount! Are you suffering from, among other things, starting or moderate varicose veins / edema or thrombosis or muscle cramps in the middle of the night? Then the Novamed Compression Stockings Pressureclass 2 – Open Toe are the best choice for you! The stockings came out as best in our test of no less than 25 brands! They are considered as the best solution for people who suffer from all of these complaints in daily life. The Novamed Compression Stockings Pressureclass 2 – Open Toe belong to the absolute top of compression and support stockings and are highly recommended by our medical team! (Available for both men and women).